Therapy Referral Request Your name, email and phone number is only for our use to keep track of requests and will not be shared publicly. We’ll try to respond within 2 weeks with 1 or more options, once we hear back who is available. First name * Last name or initial * Email address * Phone * (###) ### #### Please share in a sentence or two what you're looking for help for. Any other details that could help identify find a good match. Location Preference * Online In Person Either Payment Preference * Insurance Private Pay Either If applicable, which insurance do you have? If you're paying privately, what can you spend on therapy per month? Sessions typically range from $100-$300 per session. A superbill may be offered by a licensed therapist in your state to be submitted by you to your insurance company for partial reimbursement. Therapist Specialty/Clinical Focus * Therapist Gender Preference (if any) What city/state or country do you live in? * How often are you hoping to meet? (frequency) * How urgent is this? * If you’re a therapist or healing professional, please share your occupation/credentials/highest IFS experience (if any) Thank you! Stay connected and join our mailing list! Be the first to learn about upcoming offerings and early registration details. Receive Laura’s Sunday Pause Parts Reflection mailing. First Name Last Name Email Address Sign Up We respect your privacy. Welcome to the community! We’re so glad you’re here.