Consultee FAQs
Your Group will have a private spreadsheet to sign up to present a Case for Consultations and enter Topics/Quesitons for Discussion.
Each student is expected to present one case per group set.
Time Frame
When it is your month to staff a case, your case consultation summary needs to be emailed to me and your group at least 48H prior to meeting so that we can all review it before meeting!
Emailing your group
Subject line is VERY IMPORTANT to help us keep track of group conversations so that we don’t miss anything!
PLEASE type into your subject: Day, Start Time (always in PT), & the meeting date you’re referring to
eg. SUBJECT: Wed 11 Certification Consult for (date)
or Wed 11 Advanced Consult for (date)
Are expected to review your colleague’s case consultation summary prior to your group so you are prepared to participate in the discussion. I print them out ahead of time for reference during our group and keep in your group folder in my locked file cabinet with client charts.
When you submit a case for consultation:
Copy and paste these questions into an email to your group + me with proper subject line!
This format helps us review and refer to your case efficiently and easily. Remember, no identifying details. Change them if needed to protect client’s anonymity.
Please # and space between your responses.
Please respond in 1 or 2 sentences—as succinctly as possible!
Please identify any content warnings of your case that a group members’ parts would appreciate knowing about beforehand. (e.g. suicide, trauma, abuse, violence, etc.)
Give your client a first name to help us keep track of cases.
How long have you worked together. How often do you meet? Tele-health or in-person?
Describe any aspects of your client’s culture and identity (e.g. race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, class, age, ability, religion/spirituality, immigration and/or socioeconomic status, etc.) that may impact your work together.
What is the purpose of your work together or treatment goal? e.g. how will you know when it’s time to stop working together?
What specific challenge(s) are you looking for support/guidance around? What would be a good result from consultation?
How do you feel towards the client?
What’s going well with the case?
Copy of Group Consent and Disclaimer you agreed to upon Registration:
I understand and consent:
For my email to be shared with other students in my Group.
For my Group meeting(s) to be recorded (and to view recordings alone in private).
To maintain confidentiality around content shared in Group.
To not disclose any identifying details of clients discussed in group.
To attend group sessions and watch recordings in a private, confidential, quiet location.
Disclaimer and Liability Release:
Consultation may be therapeutic but is not therapy. I understand that I am not establishing a therapist/client relationship with Laura Schmidt, LMFT. Participation in regular individual therapy is highly recommended to support my consultation work. I also understand that any choices I make as a result of my participation in this consultation group are solely my responsibility. I will not hold any member of this group, including Laura Schmidt, LMFT, liable for my clinical or personal decisions.
Recordings do NOT count towards Certification or Re-Certification Hours, per the IFS Institute.
Before you log in for our meeting, please:
Be sure you have privacy and quiet.
Have headphones handy in case we need them.
Avoid being backlit by a light or window so that we can see your face.
If you have to move about during our call, please mute and turn off your camera.
If you join us outdoors, please be sure we can see your face and that you’re wearing headphones. Outside ambient noise is often distracting.
Plan to be unmuted during the group, unless your space is noisy.
Beginning your 2nd group session, I open the meeting 10 minutes prior to start time and admit group members as you arrive. This gives you a chance to connect before I join you and start the group on the hour.
After our group ends at the designated time, you are welcome to stay on the call and interact as long as you’d like without me present. I easily make someone else host before I log off. This is optional, of course. Arrive early or depart later as you wish.
Your connecting time before and after group is NOT recorded.
When you log in:
Please rename yourself (Click on 3 dots at the top right of your image).
Include your 1st name, preferred pronouns if you’d like, and where you’re calling in from.
Attendance, Absences, Late Arrivals/Early Departures
As you know, consistent attendance is important for you and the collective group experience. If you will be absent, please record that in your group’s spreadsheet so we know ahead of time. If you’ll be late and it’s last minute, please text her with an ETA. You may need to wait to be admitted to the meeting if the timing is disruptive to the group process.
Laura’s cell: 509.939.0622
If your group has already started, please contact a group member if you’re late, lose connection or need assistance during a meeting since Laura won’t see your message. Your contact information is listed in your group’s spreadsheet, where you sign up for cases and post topic requests.
If you miss a meeting, you are expected to view the recording before the next month’s meeting so that you’re caught up. Thanks in advance for being mindful of this, on behalf of your colleagues and the group process.
After Your First Group Meeting
Your group will be emailed a link to your private Group page, where you’ll find Group Recordings, emails/phone numbers of group members, the sign up sheet for Case Consultations and page to enter Topics/Questions for Discussion.
Each member will sign up to present a case for consultation. Each meeting will consult on at least 1 case. Case Consult #2 is backup if there’s time.
Recordings are posted to your private group page within a few days following your group meeting (ideally before the weekend). You have access to recordings until the end of your Group Set.
Ask a group member for the link/password if you lose track of it. If you have any troubles accessing recordings, please email
Purchasing a product (i.e. IFS Consultation Group) from Laura does not meet the IRS qualifications to receive a 1099 or to send you a W9. Laura is not providing services to your business so is not a vendor. She is offering training and experience to you, the customer. Providing your Registration invoice to your tax preparer may be written off as a business expense in most cases. If you need a copy of your invoice (you received one when you registered) or have additional questions, please reach out to
Ready to submit a request for certification documentation?
We thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with the IFS Institute’s requirements and the FAQ section above before submitting your request for certification documentation.