The light and our tender ones
Hello community,
Here's a Sunday Pause on a day I hope that you're offline! I wanted to share a drop of encouragement as we enter an intense holiday week--whether you're sharing it with loved ones or not. No matter what, holidays nudge our parts to the surface--the joyful, the hopeful, the sad and the hurt ones. They're all welcome around the table, the Advent wreath, the Christmas tree, the menorah, the fire--whatever your tradition. Notice who is here and who needs you. Tune into how you can care for your vulnerable ones this week.
This time of year welcomes both the darkness and the light. IFS helps us access our inner light, our Self energy and teaches us how to gently share that divine love and kindness towards ourselves and one another.
As Mary Piper so beautiful described in, Finding the Light in Winter,
"No matter how dark the days, we can find light in our own hearts, and we can be one another’s light. We can beam light out to everyone we meet. We can let others know we are present for them, that we will try to understand. We cannot stop all the destruction, but we can light candles for one another."
An unexpected goodwill find prompted this lil' reminder--both for me and for you! The adventure of second hand shopping never ceases to entertain me. I never know what I'll chance upon, and a recent visit to Goodwill looking for small juice glasses resulted in no glasses but a dog crate and few irresistible Christmas items, like this Tshirt, where IFS meets the holidays.
Be your best S ELF! 💚
What might that look like this time of year?
Remind the young ones inside who can't handle the holiday gatherings & dynamics that THEY DON'T HAVE TO COME!!
Find out where they would rather hang out while you attend holiday obligations.
Enjoy some sweet connecting as you set that up for them together.
Remind them that YOU got this! Elves and all!
It. Is. A lot.
Just do what is doable. And no more.
Adjust as often as needed.
Hopefully you can take in some of the special, unique gifts of the season, whatever they may be.
Our Christmas Eve gift was receiving 4 inches of fresh snow--enough to finally get out on the Nordic skis. The snowy woods are our winter sanctuary, and this lifted our spirits so. I hope you can find sources of light and sustenance--large and small.
Thanks for pausing with me today. Sending love, gratitude and light to you and all your tender parts. Happy Holidays!